Book Challenge by Erin 13.0


Before I launch into books, I want to address the happenings in our country. But I also don’t know how to address it. I am not racist, but I know I can do better & I have a lot of learning and reading and outreach to do. And as a parent, I have a responsibility to help my child see, appreciate, respect, and love all the color in our world. I know it’s going to take effort on my part. I live in a very white place and the effects of that on me, my family, and my neighbors are evident, but I’m committed to doing better and loving more. Please know I’m not ignoring the issues when I talk about books- I’m just working on better myself at home, in my neighborhood, and beyond.

Twice a year Erin (and Vinay) host a book challenge. I’ve only completed it once, but that doesn’t stop me from trying.

It starts July 1st & ends October 31st. No repeats. Only 1 reread. Rules found here.

| 5 p | Freebie: Coldhearted Boss (Grey)
| 10 p | Starts with “S”: Salt to the Sea (Sepetys)
| 10 p | A preposition in the title: The Marriage Bureau: The True Story of How Two Matchmakers Arranged Love in Wartime London (Halson)
| 15 p | An odd number in a series: The Bromance Book Club (Adams #1)
| 20 p | Set in a different country than yours: Bringing Down the Duke (Dunmore)
| 20 p | Female officer/detective: Murder at the Vicarage (Christie)
| 25 p | An immigrant as a m/c: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet (Ford)
| 30 p | Words in the title… “anything”: Anything You Can Do (Grey)
| 30 p | October themed: HP & the Goblet of Fire (Rowling) – witches
| 35 p | Words in the title… “city” & “county”: The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living (Miller)

I own at least 6 of these, so I’m also pretty excited to pare down my owned & unread!

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Lauren Becker says:

    Good luck with the challenge!! I have The Bromance Book Club and hope to read that soon. And my sister owns Salt to the Sea – which I also want to read!

    It’s a crazy time in the world right now. Obviously, these things have been happening for years, but it’s just so heartbreaking. I’m not racist either, but I am trying to educate myself more and give back more and just generally lift up those I can. Baby steps, I guess, but it’s something. We can all do better.



    1. Audrey says:

      Thank you! I’ve had both of those books for a while now. I’m excited to read them.
      I agree completely ❤


  2. Rebecca Jo says:

    You do so good with the reading even being a mom of a busy one. Good for you.
    & it feels so funny to post normal posts right now, doesnt it? I think if it DIDNT feel funny, then there’d be an issue.


    1. Audrey says:

      Ugh. It doesn’t feel like it but I appreciate that 🙂
      It so odd to live in the dichotomy of this movement bringing people together and virus forcing people apart.


  3. Nadine says:

    It is so hard to know what to do or say right now. I started a post yesterday and scrapped it. All I can do is raise my daughter to be kind to everyone and hope that other parents are doing the same. I hope that their generation is noticeably different (in a good way!!!) than now. On a lighter note, 2 RS Grey books sounds like a win to me! I enjoyed Coldhearted Boss, I haven’t read the other yet.


    1. Audrey says:

      I agree with you. It’s a tough world and so cruel to some people… Raising kind humans is a huge step forward.
      I’m excited to read them! I need some light and steamy romances!


  4. Ashley says:

    So fun! Good luck!


    1. Audrey says:

      🙂 I love the illustrated ones! I haven’t read the 4th one yet from that “version.”


  5. I’ve only read one of these so far, The Marriage Bureau, but it was cute and fun!


    1. Audrey says:

      It sounds so interesting and unique! And I have it on my Kindle already so WIN! 😀


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