Movie Yays and Nays

I saw Tanya and Erin do this fun little questionnaire. So now I’m doing it, too! Most Hated Movie of All-Time: Django Unchained, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Last Airbender Movie I Think is Overrated: Shawshank Redemption (it actually ties for “most hated”) Movie I Think is Underrated: Field of Dreams Movie I Love: Clue…

The Best 2000s Movies

I am one of those lucky bloggers who has a husband that critiques reads all my posts. After I shared my post on the best 90s movies my husband asked when I was going to do one for films from the 80s and the 00s (2000s? How does one abbreviate that…?). I hadn’t planned on…

The Best 90’s Movies

Sadly, my husband and I rarely go to the movies. There are new releases that I’d like to see, but the movies are expensive and K gets fussy about sitting in a theater for +2 hours. I think the last movies I saw were Inside Out/Minions at the drive-ins with my little cousins last summer……