What I Read…

This was going to be a Valentine’s Day post (because it’s the day of love and I love books), but instead it’s coming to you on Leap Day. Oh well, close enough. I’ve read ten “books” so far this year, but six of them are the short romance novellas that Amazon Prime released for subscribers…


Before 2024 began I made the ridiculous resolution to curb all Amazon spending. We’re 10 days in and I’m holding strong, but I haven’t been faced with a last-minute birthday gift or got-to-have-it Kindle book yet… so I won’t gloat. Here are some of my recent (2023) Amazon purchases. I make absolutely $0 from anything…

Goodbye 2023? I Swear It Just Began

Every year I write an end-of-the-year post. I wasn’t especially active in this space this year, but I still wanted to add my recap for 2023 for future-me to look back on… Honestly, I swear this year just started. But then I see pictures of M and her friends from January and I’m like, “Look…

Book Challenge By Erin 20.0

I can’t believe this is the 20th book challenge hosted by Erin! I haven’t been around since the original one, but I joined in pretty early on and I’m so excited to celebrate 20 challenges with her and the group! I feel it this time… I think I’m actually going to finish this one. NEW…

What I Read… in 2023

I love end-of-the-year posts. And book-related ones are my favorite! Number Of Books You Read: 23Genre You Read The Most: Mystery I’m very happy to report that I hit my goal of 23 books in ’23 📚 1. Best Book You Read In 2023? Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi 2. Book You Were Excited About &…