Amazoning *Christmas Edition*

We’re well beyond Christmas, but I thought I’d do a quick recap of my yuletide Amazon-bender that wrecked my credit card in the months leading up to the holiday. Enjoy!


Everything I ordered ended up being a Christmas gift for someone. The bold product name links to its Amazon page. Nothing is affilitated.

Remington D3190A Damage Control Ceramic Hair Dryer


Receiver: K

Believe it or not, this was an Xmas gift for K. We both use the hair dryer and the one I’ve had since high school no longer works on the low setting and the “cool shot” is broken. The dogs gifted this to K on Christmas morning by leaving the box on the sink while he was showering.

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La Cubana Wooden Cigar Humidor + Xiker Crystal Humidifier Jar


Receiver: K

Another gift for K. He’s not a smoker, but he enjoys a cigar around an evening bonfire or when we’re cerebrating a milestone. Since he smokes them so infrequently, he’d been hemming and hawing about getting a humidor. I felt like such a first class gift-er when I ordered this!

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Born to Die + Bankrupt!


Receiver: Fred

My brother sent out an excel spreadsheet to me, my mom, his wife, her mom, and her sister with assigned Christmas gifts. We had 3 to 4 options per person, but he encouraged us to talk with one another if we saw something assigned to someone else that we wanted to gift him. Let me remind you, he’s an engineer. Ha. ANYWAY, I hate giving people something they know is coming, so I obliged with these two records (one by Lana Del Rey, the other by Phoenix), but I went rogue with his other gifts.

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As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales From the Making of The Princess Bride


Receiver: My mom

I think I need to thank Kristen for this book coming across my radar. As soon as I saw it I knew I was getting it for my mom for Christmas. She’s a fan of The Princess Bride (and Columbo, ha) so I thought it’d be a fun read for her!

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Kate Spade New York: All in Good Taste + That’s Christmas to Me


Receiver: My Blogger Christmas Cheer Exchange partner, Nikki

When Olya & Mattie hosted this swap they used the site elfster. Participants can make a wish list, complete with links to the actual products. That made shopping for Nikki super simple!

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Ello Cole Stainless-Steal Travel Mug


Receiver: When it ships, my brother-in-law Andy

I bought this mug for my husband’s sister’s husband but it still hasn’t come in yet… (It was out of stocked when I ordered it so it’s fine.) My s.i.l. posted on FB about how her husband and oldest son continually battled over the insulated coffee mugs. Turns out almost half of K’s family then gifted Andy travel mugs for Xmas. #GreatMinds

Anyway, when this comes in (March-ish? ha) it’s going to Andy. I own this mug. YOU need this mug. Everyone does. It’s magical and lovely and the best!

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Coffee Teach Sleep Repeat 11 oz. tea/coffee mug


Receiver: My friend Kayla

This is a different Kayla than the one I normally talk about on here. (That Kayla is a social worker, this one is a teacher. Obvi.)

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Sequin Candy Cane Black Ugly Christmas Suit Jacket


Receiver: N/A

As mentioned here, K bought this for himself. We were invited to an ugly sweater bowling event in December and my husband doesn’t halfass costumes.

It’s a terrible picture, but for those who requested, here he is:

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The Manitou (White Indian Series, Book XVI)



Receiver: K’s Grandpa Bud

K’s grandpa is the most intense reader I’ve ever met. He has over 900 books packed away in boxes under his bed and he devours +300 page novels faster than anyone I know. I was browsing the book store for a Christmas gift for him and consulted my father-in-law for advice. He said Bud had been looking for a particular book for a long time & he (my f.i.l.) found it online. Since they already had a gift for Grandpa, he told me I should get it. So I did. Grandpa Bud’s reaction to the book was so fun. He said he’d given up hope of finding it and just moved on. (I think he was on book 22 in the series.) It felt so good to make his day with this $4 purchase!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (dvd)


Receiver: My Uncle Ernie

My mom’s brother is a tough one to shop for. He works a lot, avoids collecting junk, and keeps unusual habits (ski patrol, travel, bee keeping). For some reason I decided he’d like this movie. (I love it.) Turns out I think I was right- my mom said he watched it twice in the week following Xmas.

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That felt like a lot… And it didn’t include the stuff I got from +5 other online retails. Honestly, I’m a sucker for free shipping with Amazon Prime…

What kinds of things did you gift at Christmas?


27 Comments Add yours

  1. Elyse says:

    You did some great gift giving this year! I’m usually a fan of buying local for gifts BUT living so far away from family this year, we Amazon Primed EVERYTHING and it was so easy, no crowds, quick shipping and everyone loved their gifts.


    1. Louise says:

      Ha, thank you! I’m stupidly prideful when it comes to gift-giving. Haha 😉
      Amazon Prime is my lifeline all year long. So many two-day-shipping last minute purchases. Ha.


  2. chelseajacobs says:

    I’m laughing so hard at that spreadsheet..definitely an engineer’s mind at work haha!


    1. Louise says:

      I asked for a Christmas list and then we all got that. I was like, “Dude. You’re ridiculous.”


  3. Heidi says:

    Those are some awesome gifts! I just love the Christmas suit jacket. We did most of our Christmas shopping on Amazon too, and it was SO nice to not have to fight the crowds at the mall.


    1. Louise says:

      I popped into the mall a few times, but if I couldn’t find what I wanted/needed something & my patience was low I just ordered it. I love the mall atmosphere- not so much the crowds. Ha!


  4. Amanda says:

    I have the Princess Bride book on my to-read list from Kristen’s blog too! That one sounds so fun. Last year Jordan got into smoking cigars. Very rarely, like K. Just once in a while. I think it’s funny.


    1. Louise says:

      My mom has always been a Princess Bride fan. I’ve seen it, but I don’t know that I’m invested enough to like a behind-the-scene book 🙂 I was SO proud of myself for remembering he wanted on. Of course, he has yet to prepare it or anything since we don’t have any cigars in the house. Lol


  5. Rebecca Jo says:

    I still cant get over that candy cane coat.
    You just stoked my brain – I didnt know they had such cute coffee mugs. I just LOVE Amazon!!!!
    & that tumbler – it looks so FANCY! I love a good travel tumbler that keeps coffee hot!!
    I got a Amazon gift card – I’m getting the Princess Bride book – i keep hearing its great.


    1. Louise says:

      The tumbler is amazing. I got mine from Target but it’s the same brand and everything. I use it every single day. I need to order another one for myself. I LOVE them.


  6. Donna says:

    I LOVED As You Wish. I was super hesitant because I love The Princess Bride (both the book and movie) and was so scared that reading the book would ruin it for me. Thankfully it didn’t and if anything it make me love it more!


    1. Louise says:

      I’m glad you liked it! I hope my mom does, too 🙂 She loves the movie!


  7. Your brother kills me. A spreadsheet! Only an engineer and I would go rogue too. 😀 The candy cane jacket is hilarious and wins in my book. I loved Guardians of the Galaxy and the new trailer for Volume 2 kills me with baby Groot.


    1. Louise says:

      When I saw what he’d sent I just rolled my eyes. Ha. I bought him the records off his list, but then he got two or three things from my own creative mind. Lol
      I LOVE Guardians of the Galaxy! I can’t wait for Vol. 2!!


  8. Nadine says:

    It’s always fun to see what people ordered on amazon! I love that you got K a hairdryer! Chris received a humidor from me a few years ago to keep his occasional cigar in. And I’m still in love with that festive jacket. You just can’t go wrong with a classic candy cane. It would be a sad world without Prime!


    1. Louise says:

      He scolded me after I posted this and said, “Yeah, because I’d TOTALLY pick out a purple hair dryer.” Haha. I definitely got it for him, but I might’ve ignored the color 🙂


  9. lifeasunusuals says:

    What a gift-giver you are! Damn, I need a friend or family member like you!


    1. Louise says:

      Whoooooa! That means a lot coming from you! I know how anti-gift you are sometimes when it’s useless, lol!!


      1. lifeasunusuals says:

        Haha, it just sounds like you really know your peeps or at least pay attention to them!


  10. That jacket is the best – haha!

    My book club used Elfster for our Secret Santa and it was so cool and easy.


    1. Louise says:

      When I did my first swap through it I was leery, but now I love using it! I like the wishlist options!


  11. As You Wish was a great book!

    I feel like this isn’t that much but I felt that way about all the stuff I bought, too. I think I’m Amazon blind.


    1. Louise says:

      When I was pulling all the links and pictures I was pretty over it, ha. But so many Christmas gifts were order from all different sites, so in my head I just chalked it all up to coming from Amazon… but it didn’t. I ordered from Carter’s and Uncommon Goods and others. Lol


  12. carolann says:

    I love this post! What a fun idea. I bought so many gifts on Amazon. Prime is the best and it’s so helpful having it when I live in Hawaii. I can’t get free two-day shipping out here but I do get everything Prime shipped free (or I can send it to someone in 2 days). Many other places charge a lot for shipping to Alaska and Hawaii or they just won’t ship here, so Amazon is huge for me. For Christmas gifts, I bought a bunch of books for various people, a bunch of cooking stuff for Nick, a calendar for Nick but really for both of us, some craft supplies to make some gifts, and movies for my mom.


    1. Louise says:

      Ooooh, if I was shipping to people in other states/cities Prime would definitely be a great tool! I’m glad you’re able to do that with gifts! I get in trouble with all the miscellaneous sweaters/jackets/weird socks/costumes that we can get for holidays with the click of a button…. ha.


  13. Fun! I love Guardians as well. So sweet that his grandpa was so excited about the book! That’s awesome! Amazon is the best! We gifted a lot of board games and puzzles this year. Olivia my 9yo sis was given ALL of HP books. heheh YAY! I received some fun things. Scrapbooking stuff, jewelry, books. 🙂 The photo of you guys (and the crazy blazer..! love!) XO – Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things


    1. Louise says:

      Guardians of the Galaxy is such an awesome movie. I’m excited for Vol. 2!
      I was so happy to gift K’s grandpa!! His face just lit up and he was so awe-struck!
      Ooooh- I want all the HP books! I had them at my parents house, but I left them there. Right now I’m slowly collecting the illustrated versions.


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