What I Read…

Sometimes bloggers kick these posts off by saying, “I had a pretty terrible reading month” and then go on to review 7-11 books. Lol. That ain’t me. I had a terrible month and, as evidence, I present to you one single book.


Linking up with Steph & Jana for Show Us Your Books!

I admire those who consider 7 books a “bad month.” I’m not picking on you. I have no real excuse except general disinterest and overall exhaustion. I think some of that is starting to subside but the struggle has been real.

I’m so glad I finished this book, though, because it was an ARC from NetGalley and, as pathetic as this is, it’s my first one that I read & reviewed from there. I feel less like a poser now. Ha.

Also, I pushed hard to even finish this one- turning the final page last night.

The Darkling Bride by Laura Andersen
★★★★/5; Historical Fiction, Gothic
If nothing else, Andersen did her homework when it comes to Irish geography and folklore. This story jumps between present day, the early 90s, and the late 1880s, but predominately follows the Gallagher family. Carragh is brought in as an outside contractor and is intimately swept up in the family mystery of the Darkling Bride and, more recently, the Gallagher family murder-suicide. There were some slow and disconnected moments, but the story was engaging and I loved Aidan. How I wish the moments between he and Carragh had been a little… steamier, haha. But still, it was an enjoyable partnership. I figured out the motive for the violence before I figured out who dun it. But all that happened for me at the end anyway and unfolded beautifully. It’s a 3.5 star book for me, but I round up.
Read it? If you really enjoy a slow historical fiction gothic mystery, yes.
*ARC provided by NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

That’s all, folks. What did you read this month? Tips on getting my reading mojo back?

*If you want to participate in the next #24in48 readathon you can now sign up! It’s happening July 20 & 21. Sign up here!

Life According to Steph

28 Comments Add yours

  1. When I’m not feeling the reading vibe I will usually find myself going to the shelf, picking out a book, reading a few pages then getting distracted/realising I’m not really feeling it and put the book back. Then a few hours later I’ll repeat the process. It’s like my brain associates having free time with reading so I automatically go to the bookcase even though I’m not in a reading mood. Eventually the book I pick up will grip me immediately and before I know it I’ve read a huge chunk and all is right with my reading mojo again. So I think I’m basically suggesting you read a chapter of different books until one sucks you in and refuses to let go? Alternatively, I will often reach for children’s books as a way of easing myself back into reading. They tend to be shorter (although that’s not always the case) and slightly easier to read, and something about the act of actually completing a book seems to kick-start my reading vibe again and I will then reach for something else – it might end up being another chuldren’s book, but reading is reading!


    1. Audrey says:

      That’s a great idea. My brain associates free time with reading, cleaning, organizing, and scrapbooking. Hahaha. Sometimes watching tv or a movie. I wish it was single focused. It just depends on my mood. But I love the idea of reading until something grips me. Shorter books and romances tend to get me back into it, too.
      Thanks for the advice!!


  2. I have many months like this! Sometimes I just want to sleep, ha!


    1. Audrey says:

      Gosh, yes. Sometimes sleep just trumps everything.

      *Man, I hate using that word now. Lol


  3. Kay R.D. says:

    Ooh I love me a good historical fiction. Will check this out.
    I have slumps, we all have slumps. I usually read lighter books in those times or just dont read at all for some days. It happens and its ok. I honestly dont care how much or little anyone reads as long as they enjoy it when they do it. 🙂


    1. Audrey says:

      It wasn’t bad at all. I love the ghost vibe and the history and the minor romance. It definitely kept me interested! May was a pretty slump-y month across blog land, I think. Lol


  4. Jess says:

    Being exhausted from growing a person is a totally valid reason. I don’t know if the phrase “historical fiction gothic mystery” is anything for me, but it sounds interesting haha. I just had a reading slump, and I tend to re-read part of a book. I started re-reading Game of Thrones, and got about 1/4 way through (just that first book) when I finally felt in the mood to read a new book again.


    1. Audrey says:

      It seems like a lot of people returned to a loved story when they need pulled out of the slump. Growing a human has definitely made me more tired and less interested in reading, but I *think* it’s getting better now. At least I finished something. Hahaha!


  5. Lauren Becker says:

    I’m glad you mostly enjoyed this one, and yay for a book you’ve read/reviewed from Netgalley. I hope you get your reading mojo back. Maybe find a book that’s not too long? Sometimes it helps just to read a little at a time!



    1. Audrey says:

      I agree. I think fun romance novels tend to get me reading again, too 🙂 I’m so glad to finally knock a NG read off my list!


  6. Kasey says:

    ooooh i do love a slow historical fiction, actually. something about all of the details being fleshed out. I definitely have months like that, then I have the months where I read ten books and don’t talk to any humans on the weekends. very hot and cold, haha


    1. Audrey says:

      My normal amount of books each month is 3 or 4. I had to push myself hard to start and finish this one. Sigh. It was a good one, though! I enjoy slow historical fiction, too. I like the build and the historical detail!


  7. Rebecca Jo says:

    Right? I dont know how people get in the slew of books they do – if I get in 3 – I feel like a boss!


    1. Audrey says:

      I know if I put my head down and ignored chores, Kyle, the dogs, and all other forms of entertainment I could get maybe 10 a month based on my speed. But I don’t have that kind of focus. Haha!


  8. LOL! That’s me, sometimes. I whine about my lack of reading then share reviews for 3-4 books, which is not a bad number at all. It’s just that I typically read more but my overall lack of enthusiasm for reading is what truly makes me sad because I honestly don’t care about how many books I read each month. I just care about my love of reading. Congrats on finishing your first netgalley book. My first one was a DNF and I didn’t know what the heck to do because I thought that was terrible and netgalley would hate me. Here’s hoping next month is a better reading month for you!


    1. Audrey says:

      I think 3-4 is great! Haha! It’s usually my norm 🙂 I agree about the lack of enthusiasm and the feelings on that. I want to want to read. And I DO. But I’m unmotivated. Sigh.


  9. One lone book, and one that you loved, is better than zero books or 5 books you hated.


    1. Audrey says:

      So dang true. You’re right! I’m glad I enjoyed my one this month 🙂


  10. SMD says:

    If I mention a good or bad month, it’s in the enjoyment, never the number. I’m all about enjoyment, not so much about numbers.

    I love sweeping irish tales…have you read Trinity by Leon Uris?


    1. Audrey says:

      That’s a good take on it. In that case, I had a pretty good month. I’m hoping next month is even better- all the way around!
      I haven’t read that! I’ll look it up!


  11. Kristen says:

    lol that was totally me this month, ‘i don’t have a ton to talk about’… oops. i have definintely had 1 book months. that book sounds super interesting, i’ll have to add it to the list!


    1. Audrey says:

      Hahahaha. I ADMIRE people that are like, “It’s been a terrible month. Here are the 14 books I read.” Hahahahaha! It was a slower histfic in my opinion, but still good!


  12. kedarhower says:

    7 books would be a FANTASTIC!!!!! month for me. I think I barely finished two in April and in January I didn’t read at all. Especially during pregnancy, sometimes you just don’t want to read.


    1. Audrey says:

      Yeah! I thought I’d be lazy and want to lay around and read. Nope. I want to sleep or veg in front of the tv. My reading mojo is starting to return a little 🙂 I typically do 3-4 a month.


  13. Carolann says:

    I have no tips for getting reading mojo back because I am right there with you! It’s gotten a bit better but I just feel like I have so many other things to do for baby that it’s hard to concentrate. I have found that getting outside, like going to the pool, helps, because I don’t feel like I have anything else to do!


    1. Audrey says:

      Yep. The guilt of chores isn’t quite as bad as the laziness to read. I can find time to rest with my phone or the tv, but reading feels like a lot of effort. Makes me sad! Lol!


  14. That sounds interesting for sure, but slow can be tough! I definitely recommend quick romance/fantasy to get back into it! I hope that buddy reading Mimi Matthews’s book will help! But Coldhearted Boss was GOOD. It is also part of why I often read more than one book at a time. if I don’t want to abandon an entire genre i sometimes have to read a chapter of a slow book and then read a few chapters of a faster one. And sometimes, yes, that does mean that I finish two fast books for every slow one.. but… it’s ok. I know that reading more than one book at once only works for some people though. Or you know, you could read A Court of Thorns and Roses. That will snap ya right out of a reading slump!! heeh Good luck!! XO – Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things


    1. Audrey says:

      I don’t mind slow histfic, but it’s not the best for unsticking myself from the slump. I think romance is a quick way for me to turn it around. I’m looking forward to our buddy read this week!! And Coldhearted Boss! I think both of those will do the trick! I read multiple books at once, too. Many to switch it up. Great advice!


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