2020 Book Nook

Hello, 2020 ♥

The GoodReads goal this year is 20.
(Trying to be realistic with a baby and all…)
I’m going to do Erin’s challenges and the POPSUGAR Reading Challenge.

Book Challenge by Erin 13.0

July 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020 (link)

| 5 p | Freebie: Coldhearted Boss (Grey)
| 10 p | Starts with “S”: Salt to the Sea (Sepetys)
| 10 p | A preposition in the title: The Marriage Bureau: The True Story of How Two Matchmakers Arranged Love in Wartime London (Halson)
| 15 p | An odd number in a series: The Bromance Book Club (Adams #1)
| 20 p | Set in a different country than yours: Bringing Down the Duke (Dunmore)
| 20 p | Female officer/detective: Murder at the Vicarage (Christie)
| 25 p | An immigrant as a m/c: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet (Ford)
| 30 p | Words in the title… “anything”: Anything You Can Do (Grey)
| 30 p | October themed: HP & the Goblet of Fire (Rowling) – witches
| 35 p | Words in the title… “city” & “county”: The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living (Miller)
| T O T A L    P O I N T S | 35 points

POPSUGAR 2020 Reading Challenge

✓   A book that’s published in 2020 | The Guest List
🔲 A book by a trans or nonbinary author |
🔲 A book with a great first line |
✓   A book about a book club | The Bromance Book Club
✓   A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics | Her Royal Spyness (London)
🔲 A bildungsroman |
🔲 The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed |
🔲 A book with an upside-down image on the cover |
🔲 A book with a map |
✓   A book recommended… | The Seven and a Half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
🔲 An anthology |
✓   A book that passes the Bechdel test | The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living
🔲 A book with the same title as a movie/TV show but unrelated |
🔲 A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name |
🔲 A book published the month of my bday |
🔲 A book about or by a woman in STEM |
🔲 A book that won an award in 2019 |
✓   A book on a subject you know nothing about | The Marriage Bureau
🔲 A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics |
🔲 A book with a pun in the title set in space |
🔲 A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins |
🔲 A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character |
🔲 A book with a bird on the cover |
🔲 A fiction or n.f. book about a world leader |
🔲 A book with gold, silver, or bronze in the title |
✓   A book by a WOC |Zikora
✓   A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads | The Mermaids Melt at Dawn
✓  A book you meant to read in 2019 | A Dangerous Engagement
🔲 A book about or involving social media |
🔲 A book that has a book on the cover |
🔲 A medical thriller |
✓   A with a made-up language | A Heart So Fierce and Broken
🔲 A book set in a country beginning with “C” |
✓   A book you picked because the title caught your attention | Frogkisser
✓   A book with a three-word title | The Hunting Party
🔲 A book with a pink cover |
🔲 A Western |
🔲 A book by or about a journalist |
🔲 Read a banned book during Banned Books Week (9/20-9/26) |
🔲 Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge:


March | April | July | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec
End of Year Review

Check out my book progress in 201920182017, and 2016!