What I Read…

Book Day couldn’t have come at a better time, ya know? Sometimes you just want to get lost in blogs about books, then go add a bunch to your tbr list. Or maybe that’s just me. But I doubt it.

Anyway, welcome to Show Us Your Books day! Linking up with our hosts Jana & Steph!

This month I finished two. And Moo wanted me to share her two picks for the month, too πŸ˜„

We Are the Brennans by Tracey Lange | Fiction | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…/5
I don’t read a lot of contemporary fiction but this was a book club pick & I was sucked in from the very start. The characters were flawed but warm and relatable. Their struggles were interesting but believable. It flowed nicely and I read it quickly. It had enough depth to keep it from being a “light read” but not so much grit that your stomach twisted up.
*there is a trigger warning with this one but it gives away some of the plot, so highlight at your own discretion: highlight —>>> miscarriage <<<—-

The Inheritance of OrquΓ­dea Divina by Zoraida CΓ³rdova | Magical Realism | β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…/5
I don’t know why I picked this book from the BOTM options, but I did. It was so unique and captivating. It took me off my couch and out of my living room, into the orchard at Four Rivers or along the fishing banks in Ecuador or under the hightop in Europe. Marimar and Rey were such lovely characters, flawed but filled with so much love. Their fight for the truth and for their family’s safety made this book spellbinding and so enjoyable.

And now for the main event:

Moo Reads

M and I took our first trip the library a few weeks ago. She got her library card and four books! Two were kind of duds, but she really into these two:

Hop! Plop! by Corey Rosen Schwartz & Tali Klein
This is a silly little story about two friends on the playground, but it has lots of onomatopoeias and fun words. Moo had us reading this one over and over and shockingly sat still for most of the readings.

All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon (Illustrated by Marla Frazee)
I think I like this one a little more than M does, but it’s just so beautifully illustrated!

We still read lots of board books and flap books, but we’re slowly getting into picture books 😊

What did you read this month? We’re moving into cozy season now… my favorite time to read!


22 Comments Add yours

  1. I haven’t heard of The Inheritance of OrquΓ­dea Divina. It definitely sounds like something I would enjoy!

    Yay for first library trips/library cards. I loved my childhood library trips.


    1. Audrey says:

      I think you’d love it! It was such a magically woven tale.
      I can’t wait to take her to storytime there!


  2. Kasey says:

    a first library card!! how exciting!! I’ve heard a lot about The Inheritance of OrquΓ­dea Divina, I think I’ll have to add it to my TBR!


    1. Audrey says:

      She was more into the snacks in my bag, but I was excited!
      Definitely add it to your list!


  3. Rebecca Jo says:

    I cant believe I never got around to We Are the Brennans – I gotta backtrack & read that!


    1. Audrey says:

      You do! I think you’d like it!


  4. SMD says:

    Not just you! I love to get lost in book posts too.
    Based on this and other posts, will move the Brennans up in the queue.
    First library card! Hurrah!!!!! Some of my favorite childhood memoris.


    1. Audrey says:

      It was really enjoyable to read about the Brennans. Just a family drama with secrets and Irish undertones.
      I can’t wait to take her to storytime soon!


  5. Yay for first library cards!

    I definitely need to read We Are the Brennans. So many good reviews from people I trust.


    1. Audrey says:

      Agreed!! (Although she was a bit indifferent, LOL.)
      It was a good one. Enough drama and plot, not too slow, sucked me right in.


  6. Meet the Brennans was wonderful. My favorite book club pick to date!


    1. Audrey says:

      Agreed! I’m glad we read it! I’d have never picked it up on my own.


  7. Looks like interesting books!


    1. Audrey says:

      They really were! I’m so glad- I needed a good reading month!


  8. Nadine says:

    I just loved We Are the Brennans and so glad we picked it for book club, so we could all gush about it together! I am reading The People We Keep right now! Have you started?


    1. Audrey says:

      Me too! It’s not something I’d have picked up and read on my own.
      I haven’t started that one. This month was buuuuusy so I think I’ll have to miss book club this time. Between weddings and sickness, I just didn’t get the book or read much of anything, honestly!


  9. Lauren Becker says:

    That’s awesome you loved both of your books. I’ve heard good things about the Brennans.



    1. Audrey says:

      I was so glad to have a good book month!


  10. kristen says:

    i appreciate the trigger warning πŸ™‚ just added that one to my list!


    1. Audrey says:

      It was such a wonderful read! I hope you enjoy it! ❀


  11. This is such a dangerous blog post for my Kindle…


    1. Audrey says:

      It for sure it…. those two books were *chef’s kiss* perfection!


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